This is a simple way to make a special dinner any night of the week. You probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already. Serve shrimp alongside...
This has turned out to be my wife's absolute favorite recipe for filet mignon with mushrooms. The original called for about a third of the liquid, but...
Filet mignon with Gorgonzola sauce is a very simple and delicious meal for two. A good sear on your steak will ensure a juicy, tender steak. I have found...
This recipe is very simple and very delicious also. I can prepare it, and I am a 14 year old boy! This recipe only takes a few minutes to prepare and only...
Delicious filet mignon stuffed with succulent crab, wrapped in bacon and topped with whiskey-peppercorn sauce. Time consuming, but just as good, if not...
A great combination of flavors. Serve with some mashed garlic red potatoes and sweetened green beans for a fabulous special occasion meal. Don't forget...
Tenderloin (sometimes called filet mignon) is the king of steaks. It's lean, tender, you can add any desired flavor to it and it will absorb it all, and...
Also great for barbecues! The succulent meat together with this summer fruit complement each other surprising well! A great idea for something new. Serve...
One must be very careful who this is prepared for. Like a magic love potion, it brings out the lover in ANYone. Through trial and error, I learned very...
This is my family's favorite Christmas dinner. Elegant for dinner parties or a romantic dinner for two. If you desire crabmeat instead of lobster, go for...
Delicious teriyaki flavored steak tips! Any steak will do, but filet mignon gives this recipe an extra tenderness that you wont get with sirloin! Serve...
An easy way to make a delicious restaurant quality filet mignon steak with just a few simple make-ahead ingredients. No grill required! The butter can...
This recipe is very simple and very delicious also. I can prepare it, and I am a 14 year old boy! This recipe only takes a few minutes to prepare and only...
A great combination of flavors. Serve with some mashed garlic red potatoes and sweetened green beans for a fabulous special occasion meal. Don't forget...
One must be very careful who this is prepared for. Like a magic love potion, it brings out the lover in ANYone. Through trial and error, I learned very...